星期日, 三月 04, 2007


听闻我们最爱的博客 xiaxue 在她的部落格谈起与红毛男友的性事。

不瞒大家,阿顺起初相当欣赏她,因为她敢怒敢言,不矫揉造作。可是后来她似乎走火入魔了,至于怎样走火,怎样入魔,阿顺 no comments 啦。

阿顺近日发现好多小瓜(多数女小瓜)在她们的部落格链接她,有的甚至模仿她的风格,什么F 呀、S 呀、Charlie Bravo 呀都有。理由很简单:她是网络偶像,每天有成千上万的网友浏览她的部落格,哪像阿顺的,不是三个就是四个(不三不四,呵呵)。


4 条评论:

luxy 说...

mmm.... u mean the 女小瓜s also know army signals like Foxtrot, Sierra and Charlie Bravo(or Charlie Brown if you prefer...)? wow!!! Impressive sia!!!

Aiya... talk abt 性事, den talk abt 性事 lor.... juicy talk sells you noe. ;)

阿顺 说...

Yah luxy, sex sells. That's a fact. If only I can write good erotic blogs. HAHA!

But my question remains. She can blog whatever she wants, but does she need bear the social responsibility of the influence (negative) on the younger ones?

luxy 说...

Personally i feel... who's to be held responsible? she's not the only celebrity who's doing that. Our goggle box is spruing forth tonnes(in millions) of profanity and uncensored lingo everyday.

So there is really no way to pinpoint one character out of so many similar ones. If she is the only one, the people reading probably will just brush it off as trash talk. But with so many....

What do you think?

阿顺 说...

Yes there are many celebrities out there doing that luxy bro. The difference: Her blog is one of most read in this region.

Bearing in mind the number of readers of her blog is phenomenal (10,000++ everyday), the young ones being one of the most IT savvy lot could be her biggest audience group.

The young ones might develop the mindset that if xiaxue thinks it's cool, it's cool. Like wise for the uncool.

They might even want to become the next xiaxue, blogging the same blatant words and mimicking her lifestyle, which I felt is getting out of hand. That's why I thought she already 走火入魔.

Nonetheless, I still respect whatever life she's leading cause it's hers anyway. But what about her blog which is accessible by all ? Can her blog shed social responsibilities? I seriously doubt so.

Just my 2 cents worth :)