星期二, 十二月 28, 2004


Step-by-step guide for donations to Red Cross Tidal Waves Asia fund

A. DBS iBanking

Login to DBS iBanking
Click on "Payment Services"
Click on "Bill Payment"
Select "Red Cross Tidal Waves Asia" from the billing corporation list
Select the deposit account to debit donation
Enter telephone number as the Consumer Reference Number
Enter the donation amount


Insert your ATM card and select "English"
Enter PIN when prompted
Select "iBanking, Cashcard and More Services"
Select "Credit Card/Bill Payment"
Select "Red Cross Tidal Waves Asia" from the billing corporation list
Enter telephone number as the Bill Reference Number
Select account type (e.g. Autosave, Current or Savings Account)
Enter donation amount
Select account to debit donation if you have multiple accounts
At the confirmation screen, press "Confirm" to complete transaction



1 条评论:

Lemonfridge 说...

thanx for your post` now i know what the hell is reference number. :D