星期二, 六月 07, 2005

百思不解 (一)



4 条评论:

達仁飞鸽 说...

soon: so that in case of any emergency they can get into action immediately . My guess

阿顺 说...

達仁飞鸽: hmm...true but that scope really so magical meh? can save life? hehe

匿名 说...

1) Convenience in assessing patient's condition.
2) Easy identification for the patients (they will know who are doctors and who aren't).
3) Very frequently use during work. Nowhere to hang so might as well hang over the neck.

阿顺 说...

小嫒: hehe very logical answers :)

Actually I roughly know lah, just that I remember days when I was studying, I joked with my friends, since medicine students always hang scopes over their necks, computing students should hang laptops :D