星期一, 八月 02, 2004


三个月前,经过许久的考虑,阿顺终于买了身平第一台数码摄影机(Digital Camera)。之前,阿顺看到多数朋友都已经有Digicam 了,难免觉得自己蛮落伍的。现在有了一台,哈哈,每天拼命乱拍,以泄摄影之瘾。甚至还自拍写真集!

放心,只有大头照,没有露点露臀,否则就是谢镜丰(Steve Chia) No. 2 了。哈!


其实,阿顺很想多学一些摄影技巧,少用一点 Photoshop。可是,阿顺天性懒惰,所以至今还不太会使用那些手动控制(Manual Controls),真该死。

话说回来,要认真地从事摄影并非易事,不但要花很多时学习和练习摄影,还要下足本钱,摄影器材好贵啊!所以,阿顺胸无大志,只想继续做一个“乱拍师 ”。

当大家都沉浸在摄影瘾中,多少人会去思考摄影的意义呢?曾经在国大修读 New Media Arts 时,讲师提过,摄影究竟是现实的写照,还是愚人愚己的虚拟形体。这问题的确值得深思。


3 条评论:

Elise 说...

Hiya AhSOON... relaxingmelody from ChilliCrap here... stumbled upon your blog when I was exploring Ron's blog (he is known as ktvsiao in ChilliCrap...hahaha) and I found your blog linked there... well, your blog is interesting... it caught my attention!!! Noticed that you've got a good writing skill and it'salways good to share your thoughts with others... me too, I love writing and you are always welcome to go to my blog and leave your comments there too!! :P Oh yah... before I forget (coz I've got a really lousy memory... muahahaha!!!), here's my blog address... http://relaxingmelody.blogspot.com

阿顺 说...

Thanks for dropping by relaxingmelody :D

匿名 说...

Perhaps that is the reason why I chose to only take photos of nature rather than people. I always think that it is pretty unnatural to pose in front of the camera..
